THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsTwenty-Sixth (Last) Sunday after Pentecost26 November 2023 |
The SundaySermon
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Dear Friends,
Today's Gospel reading is taken from Saint Matthew 24:15-35. "When you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place; he that readeth let him understand; Then they that are in Judea, let them flee to the mountains; and he that is on the housetop, let him not come down to take anything out of his house. …" In this passage, we readily perceive that Jesus was foretelling us of the destruction of Jerusalem, which history shows has already taken place at the hands of the Romans in the year 70.
At the end of our ecclesiastical year, we are given this reminder of the destruction of the Old Testament: Temple, priesthood, sacrifices, and worship. With this destruction, the Levitical Priesthood died out along with the old worship and bloody animal sacrifices to God. Jesus gave us a new priesthood, sacrifice, and worship. The need to worship God did not cease, the need for sacrifice did not cease, and the need for a priesthood did not end. These all continued in the Catholic Church that Jesus Christ established before He ascended into Heaven.
We now have a priesthood according to the Order of Melchizedek offering a sacrifice of bread and wine. Rather than the bloody offering of animal bodies and blood, we now offer the Unbloody Sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary under the appearance of bread and wine. The true worship of God demands this Sacrifice of the Mass, and this Sacrifice of the Mass demands a valid priesthood. The only acceptable Sacrifice is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, which is daily offered in the Sacrifice of the Mass. This Sacrifice can only be appropriately offered by faithful (valid and licit) priests.
Non-Catholic ministers may offer a memorial of the Last Supper. Still, they cannot provide the necessary Sacrifice of Jesus on the Altar because they are not priests with the power and authority from God to confect transubstantiation.
With the Modernism and Humanism of the "Vatican II Council," we witnessed the transformation of the Mass from the Sacrifice of Calvary to a memorial of the Last Supper. There were changes in the Sacred Cannon of the Mass to be less offensive to non-Catholics who denied one or more doctrines of the Church. None of the Sacramental rites were left untouched not even the rite of Holy Orders where men become true priests of Jesus Christ. Rather than ordain men to offer the Sacrifice of the Mass, they were now "ordained" to lead or preside over other members in offering a memorial of the Last Supper. We saw the removal of Sacrifice and the removal of a valid priesthood. A memorial meal and a non-Catholic minister replaced these. The spiritual revolution of the "Vatican II Council" was not merely translating the Mass and Sacraments from Latin into the vernacular languages. We already had these translations in our Missals. This was an indiscriminate revolution: out with the old and in with the new. Out with tradition and in with Modernism. Out with Catholic doctrine and in with non-Catholic/Protestant beliefs and practices.
Those who were given and cooperated with the Grace of God saw this as the "abomination of desolation entering the Holy Place." They fled from the Modernist "Vatican II" Church into the "hills" with portable altars into homes or rented rooms, converting whatever shelter could be found into the equivalent of a modern-day catacomb or stable of Bethlehem.
Most did not truly understand the magnitude of this change and this flight. The majority only recognized the visible transition from Latin to the vernacular. The difference in doctrine was not nearly as evident as the change in the language. There were often hints of truth and tradition, just enough to deceive the elect if that were possible. Many half-truths will never equal the whole truth and we must believe the whole truth. In the Catholic Faith, we believe in ALL that Jesus Christ has taught us through the Catholic Church.
The destruction of once Catholic Churches from the Vatican to the humblest chapel has been a spiritual one more than a physical one. There is no doubt that in most, there is a great amount of physical damage that has taken place with the removal of altars and the erection of tables, stages replacing Sanctuaries, etc. However, the spiritual desecration of the Faith is much worse than all this.
The real abomination of desolation standing in the Holy Place that causes many to flee from the Modernists' Church is the undermining of doctrine, which in turn undermines Faith and worship. They are all interconnected. By changing the worship, the faith was altered, and then logically came changes in doctrine.
We are spiritually in the wilderness. But we are safer here than in the desecrated Churches where abominations of desolations frequently occur.
May the Immaculate Heart of Mary inspire, guide, and protect us!
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